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The Sacred Feminine

For the woman ready to drip from the wellspring of her feminine overflow, receive from her fullness, and radiate her vitality.

For the woman doing all the mindset, therapy, and manifestation "work", yet still feels stuck, and unsatisfied in her professional or romantic life... 

 Mindset, manifestation, and talk therapy modalities are typically based in masculine energetics. These techniques will only take a woman who yearns to embody her magnetic, alluring, feminine energy so far... 

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Despite appearances, the majority of women live disconnected from their inner feminine. When you cultivate your feminine energy (not the external performative version of femininity that many spend thousands on each year), you open yourself up to experiencing life like a magnetic, succulent, fertile egg.

Life becomes more pleasurable, more invigorating, joy-filled, and abundantly more magnetic.

Instead of hustling to get, the feminine to OPENS to RECEIVE.

Are you ready to reclaim the space of your feminine power so that you can embody more magnetism, vibrancy, and feminine potency?

Pour from an overflowing cup...

The Sacred Feminine is a high-touch, multi-dimensional healing, coaching and activation journey infused with powerful ancient priestess codes that will transform your relationship with the divine feminine and open you up to the divine masculine. If you're ready to ignite your body's power center for a powerful transformational experience, The Sacred Feminine awaits.

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The results from a journey like no other...

Grow into an expanded nervous system and improved capacity to receive so you can stop people pleasing and start magnetizing from your allure and vitality.

A deeper sense of trust, connection, and safety with your body so you can feel empowered and regulated in your body.
Embodied techniques to heal your relationship with your inner masculine and inner feminine so you can improve your relational experiences.

More confidence and connection to your sensuality and sacred sexuality.

ned intuition and priestess encoded oracular attunement so you can connect to your ancestral lineage and feel guided and supported in all dimensions.

This is an intensive 4 month group coaching container with an ample amount of 1:1 support offered within the group. If you've been thinking about 1:1 coaching or mentorship, this is a beautiful way to experience the best of both worlds: personalized support alongside a group of other powerful beautiful souls embarking on a similar journey, plus exclusive workshops from guest facilitators...

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Who is this journey for?

Women and non-binary souls who are yearning to open their bodies and are ready to finally:

Experience more vitality, sensuality, and live from overflow instead of an empty cup.
Transition from hustling, overworking and over giving, and lean into receiving (more abundance, money, support...).
Cultivate a healthy, vibrant, womb space
Connect to the healing lineages of Isis and Magdalene and embody ancient priestess codes for modern times.
Receive more from relationships without people pleasing, self abandoning or playing small.
Experience the primordial source of divine femine power in a way that will change your life as you know it.


Your coach and teacher

I've been there... years of talk therapy and mindset work, yet still experiencing the same patterns in my personal life, and burnout in my career. What I didn't realize is how deeply I was operating from my masculine energy, even though I looked and acted very feminine by appearance. Once I unlocked my internal wellspring of feminine source, my life started to radically shift, not in years, but weeks. The same is possible for you. Since helping women heal from emotional blocks around the womb and heart, (as well as womb related health conditions such as fibroids, ovarian cysts, irregular menstrual cycles) the results I've witnessed from the tools, teachings, and techniques that will be used in this program are nothing short of miraculous.

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"I feel so light right now! Thank you, Liz! Feeling really excited for this week."
1:1 Coaching Client
"Thanks so much for last night, Liz! So many insights. One of the best sessions ever!"
1:1 Coaching Client
"Thank you for helping me get aligned, I owe you so much!"
1:1 Coaching Client

My background...

As a mentor and coach specializing in transformational mindset, somatics and energetics, I'm here to support your journey toward inner alignment so you can live in deep fulfilment and experience:

Increased levels of joy and happiness, a life and career filled with purpose, soul aligned connections and relationships, freedom, inner peace, and abundance.


I've helped men and women experience life changing breakthroughs using my unique combination method of mind-body based techniques and energy work, which moves beyond many mainstream modalities that just focus on mindset work and talk therapy.

I am a certified life coach with a specialization in somatics, trained in mindfulness, and have completed extensive yoga teacher training within the classical lineage of Sri T Krishnamacharya and TKV Desikachar. I am also a certified Reiki Master and hold a Bachelor of Arts, Honours, from the University of Toronto. Prior to my path in wellness, I worked as an executive in the corporate world of television and film. 

When you change your inner world, the outer will follow. Are you ready to step into your purpose and live a bold, courageous, soul aligned life?

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What the journey contains...

4 months of personalized coaching calls held on Wednesday evenings (with one week off per month for nervous system integration modules)

Energetic activations to open the subtle body and clear energetic blockages

A resource portal with guided practices, worksheets and journal prompts

Two exclusive workshops with guest practitioners focusing on tantra and sacred feminine activations

Ancient priestess codes to re-template the womb space

Community group support on WhatsApp

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Guest Facilitator

Gina Marie is a Sex & Relationship Coach specializing in embodied intimacy through a somatic and Tantric lens. She helps high achieving women reconnect with their sexuality and thrive in relationships. She's 3x certified in the VITA Coaching method with specialties in Female Sexuality and Conscious Dating.

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The next cohort begins in May

Join the waitlist for a complementary offer and an exclusive rate for the May 2024 Cohort.

Thank you!

Investment + Energetic Exchange

Please contact us if you would like to arrange an alternative installment payment plan.

Limited 50% scholarships are available. Please email outlining 1. Why you would like to participate in The Sacred Feminine 2. Outline if you will be able to commit to attending the live calls.

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