The pathways of the two serpents: hieros gamos and the mystical marriage.
Deep in meditation in Costa Rica last week, I experienced (as I have many times over the past year) an inner union through my energy work. In what felt like an instant, I was brought to a deep orgasmic bliss state, feeling in total oneness with my surroundings, all while sitting in stillness in the jungle...
What this experience affirmed to me is that nothing is required outside of ourselves to feel whole, loved, and complete (though it may feel this way temporarily when we experience a physical loss). Paradoxically, as you move into this state internally, your external world reflects this back to you. Your sense of wholeness creates a magnetic forcefield that invites love, abundance, and possibility. This is exactly what I was able to experience in the days and week following.
🔥 The more we come into wholeness, the more turned on we become by life itself. This inner union magnetizes deep connection and transforms relationships. 🔥
In other words, you don’t need the "thing" (whether that be a man/woman, more money, etc.) before you can feel good. Connection and union are accessible from within. As our energy channels become more and more harmonized, an alchemical process happens: a holistic union of your energy bodies that leaves you with a sense of wholeness that can never be completed by anything external. Beyond earthly marriage, this is the union that heals all fractures between ourselves and others and between the masculine and feminine energetic currents that flow within each of us. This is hieros gamos: the sacred, or mystical marriage.

The two "serpents" that represent hieros gamos rise along the spine, a merging of our divine masculine (yang) and feminine (yin) energies. As these energies unite, we open the flow of creative, sensual, and life-affirming energy within us. It’s an experience of internal completion—a remembering (RE-MEMBER-ANCE) of who we are in our essence, unbound by external desires.
Imagine the power that comes from this state of union: you no longer seek love, approval, or fulfillment from the outside world because you are already whole within. This is the beauty of the mystical marriage—it liberates you from the endless chase for external validation and draws you into the pleasure and peace that exist within your own being.
From this place of deep inner harmony, the external world begins to mirror that inner peace. Relationships deepen, creativity flows effortlessly, and your magnetism naturally increases. You radiate an inner glow that comes from being fully alive and connected to your truth.
This inner union doesn’t just heal us on a personal level; it ripples out into our relationships and our connection to the world. The more we clear internal blockages, the more we can receive the fullness of life. As long as we carry anger, bitterness, resentment, fear, non-forgiveness, or victim consciousness toward anything external, we hold that frequency within, which keeps us from experiencing higher levels of ecstatic love, bliss, pleasure, and connection.
Ultimately, the sacred union of the mystical marriage transcends physical relationships and touches every aspect of your being. It's a reunion of the fragmented parts of yourself, a reclamation of your inherent wholeness, and the beginning of a deeper, more fulfilling relationship with life itself.
This is where you discover that you are your own beloved, and that love is not something you chase—it’s who you are at your core.
(Image credits: unknown artist)